
We are thrilled to announce our: Minisymposium on Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Particulate Flows on Friday, October 28, 2022, 10:00 – 12:00 Room: RZ 2.037 e-Studio Program: 10:00 Timm Krüger (School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh) Title: Formation and stability...

Category: News

The Research Day will be hosted on Zoom. If you like to attend, please write a short e-mail to to receive the credentials. 14:00 Daniel Bauer Multigrid in H(curl) on Hybrid Tetrahedral Grids (Masterarbeit Antrittsvortrag) Complete list of our research day activities.

Category: News

We are pleased to announce that the LSS members Jonas Schmitt, Sebastian Kuckuk, and Harald Köstler have won the Gold Award at the 19th Annual Humies Competition with their publications “Evolving Generalizable Multigrid-Based Helmholtz Preconditioners with Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming“ and “...

Category: News

We are thrilled to announce that a new version of waLBerla has been released. waLBerla version 6.1 includes an implementation of the free surface lattice Boltzmann method and several additions for the LBM-MESA_PD coupling.

Category: News