Cooperation between IIT Delhi and FAU Erlangen : Large-scale simulation of particle-resolved flows

The Chair for System Simulation (LSS) is part of the project “Multi-scale Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Energy, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing” (MMSO), which aims at a closer collaboration of researchers at Friedrich-Alexander Universität (FAU) and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD).
Under the supervision of Professor Rüde, our colleague Christoph Schwarzmeier supports our Indian collaborators with the lattice-Boltzmann framework waLBerla for large-scale simulations of particle-resolved flows.
The fruits of the close cooperation and several research visits are published in numerous international journals and conference proceedings, which can be found in the following

International Journals

  • Ambekar, A.S., Schwarzmeier, C., Rüde, U., and Buwa V. V., Particle-Resolved Turbulent Flow in a Packed Bed: RANS, LES and DNS Simulations, AIChE Journal, (2022), p.e17615.

  • Ambekar, A.S., Rüde, U., and Buwa, V.V., Forces governing the dynamics of liquid spreading in packed beds, under review with Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

  • Ambekar, A.S., Rüde, U., and Buwa, V.V., Particle-resolved simulations of local liquid spreading in packed beds: Effect of wettability at varying particle size, under preparation for submission to Physics of Fluids.

International Conference Proceedings

  • Ambekar, A.S., Singh k., Kumari A., Rüde, U., and Buwa, V.V., 2022, August. Effect of particle aspect ratio and orientation on the particle-scale liquid spreading in packed beds. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at GLS-15, Ottawa, Canada.