Research Day – Mar 31

The Research Day will be hosted on Zoom. If you like to attend, please write a short e-mail to to receive the credentials.

  • 10:30 Markus, Gabriel S.
    LBM for Airbus (internal)
  • 13:30 Benjamin
    Adaptive HyTeG (internal)
  • 14:00 Marco
    There and back again – Marco’s trip to the <programming> Conference in Porto
  • 15:00 Kajol Kulkarni
    Generating a public fluid dynamics dataset for training and benchmarking deep learning models, including a discussion on how to convert from lattice units to physical units
  • 16:00 Markus and Frederik Hennig
    LBM code generation (internal)
  • 17:00 with partners from IFPEN
    EoCoE hickups (internal)

Complete list of our research day activities.