Christoph Rettinger

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Rettinger, M.Sc.(hons)

Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Science 10 (System Simulation)


  • I am involved in the development and validation of the multi-physics software waLBerla. Its aim is to provide a flexible framework for CFD simulations and beyond that efficiently makes use of current and future supercomputers.
  • My special focus there is on particulate flows, i.e. the description of particle-fluid interactions. Applications are the sediment transport in river beds or fluidized bed reactors.


  • I lead the exercises for the courses “Simulation and Scientific Computing 1” and “Simulation and Scientific Computing 2”, which are one of the key lectures in the Computational Engineering program.
  • Formerly, I was the tutor for the course “Numerical Simulation of Fluids”. Therein, the students got to know the concepts of CFD and apply a suitable discretization method to finally come up with a self-implemented fluid flow simulator.

Available Theses

  • Topics upon consultation. Contact me if you are interested in CFD simulations.

Finished Theses

  • M. Rippl, Computational Analysis of Particle Migration in a Square Micro Channel, Master Thesis, 2016
    C. Rettinger, M. Avila (LSTM, FAU)
  • D. Schuster, Direct Numerical Simulations of Fluidized Beds with the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Master Thesis, 2017
    C. Rettinger, U. Rüde, V. Buwa (IIT Delhi)
  • S. Valencia, Direct Numerical Simulation of Particle Agglomeration with the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Master Thesis, 2018
    C. Rettinger, U. Rüde
  • D. Ribica, Code Generation vs. HPC Framework, Bachelor Thesis, 2018
    S. Kuckuk, C. Rettinger, H. Köstler
  • J. Wendler, Predicting Particle-Fluid Drag Forces Using Deep Neural Networks, Bachelor Thesis, 2018
    C. Rettinger, H. Köstler
  • N. Krieg, Numerical Study of Grid Refinement Techniques for the Lattice-Boltzmann Method, Bachelor Thesis, 2019
    C. Rettinger, U. Rüde
  • M. König, Combining Fully Resolved and Unresolved Coupling Methods for Strongly Heterogeneous Sized Particulate Flow Simulations, Bachelor Thesis, 2020
    C. Rettinger, U. Rüde
  • L. Werner, Simulating the Motion of Very Light Particles in Fluids with an Adaptively Refined Lattice Boltzmann Method, Master Thesis, 2020
    C. Rettinger, U. Rüde